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Annual Pipeline Mileage Fee Due April 1, 2019

March 26, 2019

This courtesy notice is provided as a reminder that the annual pipeline mileage fee is due to the Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC) on April 1, 2019. Fees submitted after the deadline are delinquent and subject to late penalties. If you have already submitted your 2019 pipeline mileage fee payment to the RRC, please disregard this notice.

To calculate the 2019 pipeline mileage fee, you will use the number of miles permitted by operator as of December 31, 2018. Please note that the mileage in each permit is rounded-up to the nearest mile. To confirm the number of miles on your permits using your operator number, visit the RRC Pipeline Fees web page

All mileage fees are required to be paid through Pipeline Online Permitting System (POPS) in the RRC Online System available at

For information about this fee requirement, reference Texas Natural Resources Code §81.071 and 16 Texas Administrative Code §3.70. If you have any questions regarding this notice, contact RRC’s Pipeline Safety department at [email protected] or 512-463-7058.
