Dockets Not in RRC Cases
Decision information for Oil & Gas, Gas Utilities, LP Gas and Surface Mining.
Decision information for Oil & Gas, Gas Utilities, LP Gas and Surface Mining.
Filings pertaining to any docketed matter under review in the Hearings Division must be filed with our Docket Services section in Room 12-123 of the William B. Travis Building.
Pursuant to 16 TAC §1.22, filings may be done electronically. For dockets in RRC CASES, Electronic filings should be uploaded by an authenticated user through the CASES portal. For dockets not in RRC CASES, filings may be sent to the following email address: [email protected]
Please note: Pleadings that conform with 16 Tex. Admin. Code §§ 1.1-1.131 will be entered as filed when received during normal business hours. Pleadings filed after normal business hours and accepted for filing will be file marked the next business day. Pleadings that fail to conform with 16 Tex. Admin. Code §§ 1.1-1.131 may not be accepted for filing. You will be notified if your filing is not accepted.